NOVEMBER 8, 2022

Scaling Regenerative Finance & Business

Empowering the Transition towards Regenerative Businesses and Economies

Session Description:
Finance is key to scaling the unavoidable transition to a new economic mainstream that integrates economic development and business success with the regeneration of people and societies, nature and the climate. In this session we will discuss how this Regenerative Value Creation empowered by real ESG investing and banking that goes beyond greenwashing can enable entrepreneurs and companies of all sizes to innovate and scale. We will present trend data and concrete cases from banking, investment and policy within a whole system context. In dialogue with the audience we will explore what concrete steps we can take to accelerate these developments.


Hosts & Moderators:

  •  Hani Sewilam, Egypts minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, executive director, UNESCO Chair, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. 

  • Helmy Abouleish, CEO of Sekem, an example for regenerative business, agriculture, education and culture.

  • Walter Link, founding CEO of Future Economy Forum and NOW Partners, co-founder of many sustainable business alliances


Presenters (* to be confirmed):

  • Chair, Cairo Stock Exchange, which co-creates a Carbon Credit scheme with the Egyptian government and Sekem. 

  • Bryan Scheler, BMW Foundation, head of sustainable finance and impact investing to empower entrepreneurs and business start ups

  • Asiv or Jeroeme, Brac, one of Asia largest banks, social movements and education systems 

  • Adriana Kokornic-Mina, Global Alliance of Banking on Values demonstrating sustainable banking success in 44 countries

  • Managing Director, National Bank of Egypt, the country’s largest public sector financial institution

  • A representative* of the European Investment Bank, the EU’s bank for climate and sustainable development

  • Martin Stuchtey, Landbank, new financial tools to fund natural based asset climate function 

  • Johan Rockstroem*

  • Usha Rao-Monari*, associate administrator, UNDP

  • Gordon Bennett, managing director, ICE the world’s largest carbon credit trader

  • Bhadra Kanaiya, Sunways Global, India